Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kitty Photoblogging: Minnie

Beings Mollie, Pennie and Bonnie are more cooperative with picture-taking LOL, I've mostly posted photos of those 3. But I do have 3 kitties myself, and I'm locating all of my pictures, which happen to be mixed up somewhere in my bermuda data DVD-R folders.

Here's some cute pictures of my youngest cat, Minnie. She was found via the in-store "classifieds" wall at Petsmart, and adopted in May 2004, at 5-6 weeks old.

These pictures were taken on the first night she was brought home - and she still does this cute pose in the first picture, usually after taking a cat-nap:

More cute GLBT kitties:

Wayne Besen's kitty

Joe.My.God.'s kitty, "Shelley"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Photoblogging: Last Night's Hail Storm

We had a massive hail storm last night! Here's some pictures sent in from my neighbor friends, of some of their yard and vehicle damage. I would say it was the craziest hailstorm I've experienced in my lifetime (you couldn't even hear over the phone!).

Take a look for yourself: